People of Wolf Trap: Noel E. Firth
Noel E. Firth, a nature lover, a Wolf Trap regular and, as we gratefully acknowledge, one of our most dedicated supporters. Noel... Read More
Behold the Power of Nature!
This is a series of photos taken from March to October 2020 in the area in front of the box office known as the Dimple aka the Circle aka the Bowl.
Wolf Trap Shadows
For practicing shadow-hunters, the days surrounding the winter solstice have a special allure. The low flying sun creates the longest shadows.
Beethoven in the Park
250 years ago, Ludwig van Beethoven, one of the most beloved composers of all time entered this world and left an indelible mark on it.
Lizard photos I
This is the first installment of photos taken from a lizard's perspective.
Lizard photos II.
The second installment of park photographs taken from a lizard perspective. These are a bit more detail oriented.
Covid Summer
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the summer of 2020 was highly unusual. For the first time in the history of the park, the concert season was cancelled.
World Snake Day
Today, July 16, is the World Snake Day, and that is a good opportunity to update what is happening to Wolf Trap's residential watersnakes.
Welcome to Wetlands
Wetlands in the northern part of Wolf Trap have a slightly different feel than the rest of the park. The lush vegetation of this micro-environment exudes the hot and humid atmosphere typically associated with early Summer.
Green, Greener, Greenest
Green happens. Especially in the Spring. Here are couple of photos showing how it happens - blow by blow. Well, almost.